Comments on: New Avengers #1 РReview Your source for comic book commentary Sun, 06 Jan 2013 00:24:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hugo Robberts Larivi̬re Sun, 06 Jan 2013 00:24:03 +0000 I have faith that the second issue will be a much better showcase of what this title will truly be about by presenting the Illuminati and the actual threat. As a first issue, this was rather weak though.

By: paladinking Sun, 06 Jan 2013 00:11:37 +0000 I hate to say it….but having just read this issue last night, I 100% agree with you. This was really just a highly obfuscated Black Panther comic. Sometimes leaving things ambiguous is good but Hickman went too far here.

This is actually the one time where I’m happy that this book is double-shipping. This was one of my most anticipated Marvel NOW titles but this was just…yeah.
